August 25, 2022
Learn more about the popular Farmhouse style in this interview with Sarah-Ève Cossette, the designer behind 3D Exterior Design.
Love the look of board and batten vertical siding?Board and battenYou and just about everyone else – thanks in large part to the recent resurgence of the farmhouse style. Farmhouse.
Le bois étant un matériau de prédilection pour les revêtements extérieurs, c’est souvent l’option choisie pour les projets de rénovation ou de construction neuve de ce style.
Aussi connu sous l’appellation “planches et couvre-joints”, ce revêtement chez MAIBEC est composé de planches de 10″ de large combiné à un couvre-joint de 2″ de large.
The siding has a textured finish and is installed with nails (the “regular fastening system” in Maibec-speak).
Autre que le blanc, plusieurs couleurs sont bien entendu disponibles. Cela s’appliquant autant pour le Board and batten comes in a wide range of colours: 12 Natural tones, huge selection of solid colours from its solid color chart and limitless choice of custom colours of your choice.
Maibec uses fir and spruce for its genuine wood siding. These species are known for being durable, impact resistant and renewable.
Sarah-Eve: What are the advantages for choosing MAIBEC board and batten siding? Board and batten ?
MAIBEC: By far the biggest advantage is the recognized quality of Maibec genuine wood siding. Our siding is made of real wood and manufactured according to the highest standards for performance and appearance. Our siding has become a timeless and current classic that enhances any architectural styles. Second, Maibec products are available through a large network of retailers across Canada. And if you order our board and batten siding in Maibec White through our Maibec Express, you can get a quick 10-day delivery from your retailer.
Sarah-Eve: What are the advantages of choosing MAIBEC board and batten in genuine wood vs. another type of material?
MAIBEC: Maibec genuine wood siding will add an organic warmth and beauty to your home for many years to come, whether you use it all on its own or pair it with our genuine wood trim or shingles. Another reason to choose real wood over another type of siding material is that wood siding lets you have whatever colour you want. It could be one of the time-tested colours from our solid colour chart, one of our high-demand Natural tones, or your own custom colour. Just tell us the solid colour you want and we can make an exact match with our TrueMatchsystem.
Sarah-Eve : Selon l’expertise de Maibec, œuvrant depuis longtemps dans l’industrie du revêtement extérieur, est-ce que la “mode” du Board and batten and Farmhouse styles are here to stay?
MAIBEC: MAIBEC has been selling Board and batten depuis de nombreuses années déjà. Il y a bien sûr certaines années où cette tendance est plus forte, mais au fil du temps on se rend bien compte que c’est un classique indémodable ! Ce sont surtout les “accessoires” de la maison qui suivront les modes (ex. : luminaires, styles de fenêtres, …). Le Board and batten siding is always in style, whatever the current trend may be. Another good reason to go with natural wood for your siding is that if one day down the road you decide to change the color to keep up with the latest trends, it will be easy. That’s not the case with all siding materials.
Maibec is a well-known name in wood siding.
I recently collaborated with the MAIBEC team on a 3D exterior design project and their commitment to the client’s satisfaction was easy to see. Design extérieur 3D, j’ai pu constater qu’ils avaient vraiment à cœur la satisfaction de leur clientèle.
On en comprend ainsi qu’ils offrent des solutions rapides, des produits durables et un service à la hauteur de leur renommée.
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