Siding board & batten - Prairie Gold 051 and personalized colors

Camp-de-Touage Service Center

A harmonious fusion of history, nature, and innovation

Location : Pointe-Taillon National Park, Lac Saint-Jean, Québec, Canada
Client : Société des établissements de plein air du Québec (SÉPAQ)

Located in the heart of Pointe-Taillon National Park, the Camp-de-Touage Service Center is an architectural feat that artfully blends history, nature, and innovation. In this project, Maibec products were chosen for their durability, esthetics, and performance to help create a functional and welcoming space for park visitors.

For this project, SÉPAQ sought the expertise of the design teams at Blouin Tardif Architectes and Groupe EPA.

The goal for the service center was to create a welcoming space for park visitors that fits with the surrounding natural landscape and reflects the history of this former log towing station.

Maibec products, specifically the board & batten in the natural “Prairie Gold 051” and an opaque stain, custom dark gray color, hue, were selected for their durability, good looks, and performance. These characteristics meet the technical and functional requirements of the project.
In terms of esthetics, the Camp-de- Touage Service Centre boasts a coherent, understated design in perfect harmony with its natural environment. The Maibec products used helped strike this balance between the esthetics of the project and its natural backdrop.

Maibec products also contributed to the service center’s sustainability, energy efficiency, and easy upkeep. SÉPAQ’s positive feedback attests to the quality and performance of Maibec products. One of the challenges of the project was adapting to the topography, preserving the existing trees, and adhering to a limited budget.

The Camp-de-Touage Service Center is a perfect example of Maibec’s commitment to offering esthetically pleasing solutions for construction projects. It is a prime example of Maibec products used in an environmentally friendly architectural project.